Greetings from the Monarch. On February 2, Punxsutawney Phil came out of his burrow and saw his shadow predicting six more weeks of winter, if you believe that.
We had the wonderful winter OGA Conference in Columbus. See David Darling’s report below after the Monarch's message.
It looks like everyone is doing well. Jan Bowden is getting better, and our COG, Tim Barton, is doing well, too.
We are starting off in March with a visit to the Cleveland Aquarium, followed by lunch on March 16. See the flyer in this issue.
Our Inspection and dinner will be on March 18. The second annual Game Night is planned for April; details to follow.
Don't forget to read the Black Fez, a great source of what is going on in the realm. If you're looking for fun and great fellowship, we are here for you, just a step away. I hope to see you all in the realm.
Remember, Out of Site, Out of Mind.