Well, my year has started. We finished up 2023 by attending on December 30, 2023 Yusef Khan Grotto’s installation of officers, and a News Years Eve Party, with Monarch Joe Huber and PM David Darling and our ladies.
Then came my Installation on January 6. It was a great time and officers were installed. The dinner was really great, prepared by Sister Barbara Gannon and several members of Ellbrook Chapter #408 OES.
The installation team did a great job; Deputy Grand Monarch Dave Korb, PM Dave McIntyre, Grand Captain of the Guard Jeff Davis, District Deputy Ron Wyatt, Grand Trustee Phil Scott.
I had my first meeting on January 15, 2024 and announced my committees. I asked the officers to help with some of what we did last year and if there are some things they would like to do. Maybe looking at doing a pancake breakfast?
February 2-4 is the OGA in Columbus. I am not able to attend, as we will be in PA, for our great granddaughters 1st birthday. PM David Darling and several others will be attending.
Under welfare, Robert Wehrle, let us know that Jan is home rehabing. The Kempke's are on the mend.I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and New Years.
We are going to try to get some new Prophets from our membership committee. Our next meeting is February 19. We will have our inspection on March 18.We are looking to doing something for our Black Fez publication’s 100th year in 2024.
Happy Birthday to my wife MCO Carole, January 21.
Remember, Out of Site, Out of Mind.