Hi Everyone,
Well, fall is almost here. Football season has begun. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable summer.
Since our last issue of the Black Fez, we learned that at this year’s Supreme Council, The Black Fez was awarded First Place in the Publication Contest! Way to go Fez Committee!
Fall would not be special if we did not have an Octoberfest Fermentation gathering. It will be September 16, at Das Schnitzel Haus Restaurant. Check out the Fermentation Article.
Fall is never complete without a “Clambake”! We will be hosting a Clambake on Saturday, October 14th at the Reinecker Bakery and Party Center. Reservation information is this issue.
These events are open to the friends and family of Al Sirat Grotto. Please invite a friend to meet the members of Al Sirat Grotto and the Daughters of Mokanna.
Don’t forget the Al Sirat Charitable Corporation 2023 Fund Raiser, the Yeti Raffle will be held at our September 18th meeting. You can purchase raffle tickets from one of our Officers or online via our website.
If you have not been to a meeting for a while, please join us at our September meeting. We would love to see you there.
“Let’s get active again”,